Empowering young minds

STEM Curriculum

Our school group programs perfectly complement the STEM curriculum, particularly in the fields of life sciences and biodiversity. Through hands-on research, students contribute to long-term projects grounded in science. From exploring coral reefs to studying elusive rainforest species, students can apply their STEM knowledge through conducting scientific surveys, collecting data and contributing to real-life conservation initiatives.

Critical science

Critical science

You'll contribute to vital conservation research targeted at protecting the earth's most valuable ecosystems.
Ethical engagement

Ethical engagement

Using the UN's SDGs as a framework, we've made a commitment to positive, constructive and sustainable impact.
Beautiful adventures

Beautiful adventures

You'll spend your days exploring some of the world's most breathtaking, exhilarating and remote wildernesses.

See what other parents & participants say

Read reviews and recommendations from all over the world.

Our ultimate guide to group programs

Group programs brochure

Over the last two decades, GVI has established itself as the world-leader in purpose-driven group expeditions. We have three GVI Expedition itinerary types to choose from that have been carefully developed to meet certain goals and learning outcomes. We’re building a global network of people, united by their passion to make a difference. Find out everything you need to know to start your group adventure.

Everyone’s invited. Get up to 80% of your program fees covered.